Sample code provided by: Holy Macro! Books, Holy Macro! It's 2,500 Excel VBA Examples Files_FindXlsx -> find *.The following code example shows how to create a custom menu with four menu options, each of which calls a macro.Files_Count -> count the number of files in a folder.Files_ArchiveSource -> archives all the files in the source folder to an archive folder.

Column_GetCriteriaB圜olumn -> get all the unique values of the columsn from the first column to the last column with data in it.Column_GetCriteria -> get all the unique values in a column.Column_FindByTimePeriod -> find a column based on the time period from the last column with a date.Column_FindByDate -> find a column based on a date.Column_Find -> find a column based on a string passed.Column_CopyPaste -> copy and paste a column from one worksheet to another.Chart_DeleteAll -> detltes all the graphs in a worksheet.Chart_Line -> creates a line graph based on a simple format.Chart_New -> creates a graph with a single series based on a specific format.Cells_ReturnNumberOrLetters -> used in Row_GetLast and Column_GetLast for the return value but not limited to only those methods.Cells_IsString -> determines if a cell values is a string.Cells_Format -> formats all the cells in a worksheet.Autofilter_OnOff -> turns the autogilter on or off.AutoFilter_Clear -> clears the autofilter.The Excel file has all the modules and all the references included to be able to use once downloaded. I inldued the modules so others can use and modify for their own use. The VBA library is a set of methods that I have used over the years to help me work accurately and efficiently.